Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Tomato Broccoli (Quick Lunch)
12 each cherry tomatoes
3 tablespoon parsley, minced
2 tablespoon chives, chopped
1 salt
Into a lunch box put as follows: Clean and cut up the broccoli until the box is almost full. Quarter the cherry tomatoes and put on top. Add parsley and chives and salt to taste. Do not mix! At work, mix, then nuke for 8 minutes for soft broccoli, or 6 minutes for crunchier broccoli.
Beauty Diary - Get the Connection?
Our skin is affected not only by the foods which we eat, but also by the things which it absorbs. This means that whatever you put onto your skin could potentially have a direct effect on its health and appearance. When looking at the cosmetic and skin care products which you use, it may surprise you to know that most of them could be potentially causing your skin problems instead of helping them.
Identifying the Cause of the Problem If you are struggling to find the cause of your skin problem then try writing down everything that you use on your body and hair during your daily routine. Note when you started using each product. Is it an old favorite you have used for the last 15 years, or is it a brand new product you just picked up? Have there been any other changes to your beauty routine? If there have been then it is more than likely that the change in products has led to the problems with your skin. Writing a beauty diary will help you narrow down the potential offenders.
A figure which may surprise you is that most women tend to use around 12 personal care products a day. This could be anything from soap to shower gel, deodorant, make-up and even moisturizers, cleanser and toner. Each one of these products has on average 15-30 potentially harmful ingredients.
By being your own personal beauty investigator, you can eliminate the product from your beauty routine that could be causing the trouble. If you are having a reaction, allergic or otherwise, it most likely is connected to a new product introduced into your routine. On occasion though, old favorites can start to cause irritation after prolonged use, so don't rule them out. Once you have a date that your skin issue began, first take a hard look at the products you have used after that date.
At this point you should:
1. Look at the remaining products in question and determine if they come in contact with the area of your body with which you have issues. For example, if you have acne on your forehead, remember that not only pertains to your cosmetics but also your hair and shampoo which come in contact with this area and must be considered.
2. Read the ingredient labels of the identified new products. If you notice a trend in the ingredients of all your products you could be allergic to one or many of these repeating ingredients.
3. Remove one or all of the isolated products from your routine. If you must use a similar product make sure that it is made of different ingredients. If you are not using a natural product already try an all-natural alternative. Read the ingredient labels to confirm that it is truly natural. These natural alternatives generally contain less ingredients and are free of many irritating chemicals found in traditional products. If you are already using a natural product that you would like to eliminate make sure you replace it with an entirely different formula.
4. Keep the suspect products out of your beauty routine for at least 3-4 months.
5. Do your homework. A quick google search for 'safe cosmetics' or 'cosmetic database' will give you detailed information about the general safety of thousands of products you may be using. Make sure your products fall within the 'green' range for safety in the online safe cosmetics databases.
6. During this time note any changes to your issue and overall health.
7. By writing down the cosmetics you use and the ingredients in them you will then be able to log on to safe cosmetic databases and determine the safety rating for that particular product.
Cutting Out the Risk of Harming Your Skin There are over 10,500 ingredients used in cosmetics and skin care products. Of those only 11% have ever been tested for safety. The FDA does not require testing of cosmetic and beauty care products. With this huge knowledge gap about the ingredients in our beauty products it is often better to stick to what is known and tested to be safe. If you are interested in eliminating potential unknowns from your routine try natural alternatives to your drug-store or department store brands. There are lots of options available both online and in your local health food store.
Start that beauty diary and learn more about your own beauty habits! You may see a connection between your skin problems and the product you use.
11/20090 by: Kristin Adams Article Source:
Sleeping And Muscle Relaxation Technique

The PMR procedure teaches you to relax your muscles through a two-step process. First you deliberately apply tension to certain muscle groups, and then you stop the tension and turn your attention to noticing how the muscles relax as the tension flows away.
Through repetitive practice you quickly learn to recognize-and distinguish-the associated feelings of a tensed muscle and a completely relaxed muscle. With this simple knowledge, you can then induce physical muscular relaxation at the first signs of the tension that accompanies anxiety. And with physical relaxation comes mental calmness-in any situation.
Before practicing PMR, you should consult with your physician if you have a history of serious injuries, muscle spasms, or back problems, because the deliberate muscle tensing of the PMR procedure could exacerbate any of these pre-existing conditions. If you continue with this procedure against a doctor's advice, you do so at your own risk.
There are two steps in the self-administered Progressive Muscle Relaxation procedure: (a) deliberately tensing muscle groups, and (b) releasing the induced tension. This two-step process will be described after you are introduced to the muscle groups.
After learning the full PMR procedure as follows, you will spend about 10 minutes a day maintaining your proficiency by practicing a shortened form of the procedure. As you practice the short procedure, you will be simultaneously learning cue-controlled relaxation.
Ultimately, you will acquire something that will probably become an indispensable part of your daily life, and the initial drudgery of practice will be long-forgotten.
It is recommended that you practice full PMR twice a day for about a week before moving on to the shortened form (below). Of course, the time needed to master the full PMR procedure varies from person to person.
Here are some suggestions for practice:
• Always practice full PMR in a quiet place, along, with no distractions like television or phones. We don't suggest even using background music.
• Remove your shoes and wear loose clothing
• Don't eat, smoke or drink right before practicing PMR. It's best to practice before meals rather than after to avoid problems with digestion.
• Never practice this while under the influence of any intoxicants.
• Sit in a comfortable chair or lying down in bed.
• Plan on falling asleep before the cycle is complete if you do this in bed
• If you are doing PMR just to relax instead of falling asleep, after you are done, relax with your eyes closed for a few seconds and then get up slowly. If you stand up too quickly, you could experience a sudden drop in blood pressure which could cause you to feel faint.
Some people like to count backwards from 5 to 1 timed to slow, deep breathing and then say "Eyes open, supremely calm, fully alert."
You will be working with most all the major muscle groups in your body, but for convenience you will make a systematic progression from your feet upwards. Here is the most popular recommended sequence:
• Right foot
• Right lower leg and foot
• Entire right leg
• Left foot
• Left lower leg and foot
• Entire left leg
• Right hand
• Right forearm and hand
• Entire right arm
• Left hand
• Left forearm and hand
• Entire left arm
• Abdomen
• Chest
• Neck and shoulders
• Face
If you're left handed, begin with your left side.
11/2009 Jasmine Stone Article Source:
Beauty Quote of the Month
Beauty - in projection and perceiving - is 99.9% attitude.
Grey Livingston
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Pineapple-Pecan Cheese Spread
2-8 ounce cans of crushed pineapple
1-8 ounce package of cream cheese, softened
4 cups of shredded sharp cheddar cheese
1/2 cup of mayonnaise
1 tablespoon of soy sauce
1 cup of chopped pecans
1/2 cup of finely chopped green bell pepper
1/4 cup of minced green onions or chives
1/2 cup of mayonnaise
1 tablespoon of soy sauce
1 cup of chopped pecans
1/2 cup of finely chopped green bell pepper
1/4 cup of minced green onions or chives
Drain the two cans of pineapple. In a large bowl, beat the cream cheese until smooth and blend in the che ddar cheese, mayonnaise, and the soy sauce and mix until smooth. Stir in the pineapple, pecans, green pepper, and onions or chi ves. Refrigerate covered until chilled through. Serve as a stuffing for celery stalks or with assorted breads or crackers.
Women's Need for Beauty

As women, we tend to be the caretakers of everyone around us, leaving little, if any, time for ourselves. For that reason, it’s important that we circumvent the outer chaos of our hectic lives by surrounding ourselves with things that evoke calm and tranquility, if only for moments at a time. And those “things” can be as different and unique as each woman is different and unique. We’ve all heard the old saying “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.” And so it is with this concept of surrounding ourselves with beauty. It’s whatever elicits and captures this visceral response for you. And if you’ve been tightening your purse strings of late, try any of these budget-friendly, simple, but effective, “beauty” tips:
1. Buy fresh flowers from your local Farmers Market, where they‘re generally less expensive than the flower shop or even the grocery store. Or if an entire bouquet is beyond your current budget, one single rose stem will do the trick. Place them on your nightstand so that these fragrant blooms are the first thing you see when you wake up in the morning and the last thing you see when you retire in the evening.
2. Instead of listening to the news, play a feel-good CD as you’re getting yourself ready in the morning. This may be your favorite music artist or perhaps a personal-growth audio. The key is that it moves you in some positive, uplifting way.
3. Commune with nature by taking a walk through a local park, or stop by one on your way home. Enjoy the simplicity of nature and all of her inherently calming ways. Let Mother Earth nurture you.
4. De-clutter and organize your office space or work area. You’ll discover this will do wonders for reducing stress levels (not to mention create a more efficient environment).
5. Take a luxurious candlelit bubble bath before bed. Be sure to play soothing music. Then close your eyes and picture your body soaking away all of the day’s anxiety and worries.
6. Reach out and offer to help someone in need. Run an errand for a neighbor who has been under the weather lately. Call a loved one who has been facing challenges and offer your support or simply a listening ear. Visit your local library and offer to be a volunteer reader.
7. Give yourself permission to indulge in a favorite treat on occasion, and do it without guilt. That tiramisu may be just what your soul has been craving.
So, whether your “beauty” is visual, auditory, sensory, or tactile, begin surrounding yourself daily with whatever that is for you. Be good to yourself. You’ll soon begin to see your days magically transform into more positive and enjoyable experiences. After all, that’s the “beauty” of it.
09/2009 by: Tina Clark Article Source:
Monday, June 1, 2009
3 Reasons That Can Cause Your Family Budget To Fail
There is no question that family budgeting should be taken seriously by every family. A positive budget balance is the only tool in your control to secure your future and the future of your family and to live a good life starting now Unless you get your cash flow under control and start treating your household like a Chief Financial Officer,
Here are the major blocks most people face when trying to take control of their family budget:
Family Budget Blocker #1 - A Fearful or Negative Attitude
I cannot stress this point enough --a positive attitude about family budgeting is essential to your success. If you think of budgeting as a major chore (such as a lifestyle diet, lifestyle handcuffs, deprivation, penny-pinching, a major sacrifice), you are sure to fail. Of course you may have a martyr or a masochist complex and are addicted to a punishing and stressful experience. However, let's think positive and assume that you are really desperate to get a handle on your finances.
A positive attitude towards money will help you think of your family budget as a positive means to a positive end. You will learn that it is a way to achieve your personal dreams and financial goals. You will see that postponing the instant gratification of debt induced lifestyle is worth the rewards you will earn in the end.
Family Budget Blocker #2 - Poor or Weak Motivation
What is your motivation for creating a family budget? Are you trying to make a mate happy? Are you being forced to follow the terms of a debt repayment plan with a consumer credit counseling agency? Complying with judge's order made in bankruptcy court?
These are not the best motivators because they are external motivators and will probably not be easy to maintain under constant stress. The best motivators are internally generated. You must be motivated by the idea that family budgeting will really help you meet your goals and give you a better life.
Family Budget Blocker # 3 - Magical Thinking
What do you expect to gain from instituting and following a family budget? Do you think that setting up a family budget will somehow magically make tons of extra cash available quickly? Perhaps you think that the family budget will somehow magically transform your spending habits next week and make you a financially responsible person who has all their bills paid and money left over for luxuries?
Sorry, but, family budgeting is just as serious as any business. Only those who with with it personal finances, through every obstacle, will reap rewards financially. Do not expect pennies from heaven. What you will get, if you work your family finances, is steady and measurable progress towards the goals that really matter to you and your family.
Creating a family budget without a positive attitude about your abilities to handle it; internal motivation to overcome all obstacles, and realistic expectations, will likely set you up for failure before you even get started. You can greatly increase your chances of success by overcoming the three Family Budget Blockers before you even begin.
Family financial crises make most people want to shut off the telephone, stop answering the door, and crawl into bed but the solutions are really simple.
One of the easiest steps for any debt or credit repair strategy, is to take a in depth look at the spending habits and financial patterns within the household especially if you have a family! It is almost like running a diagnostic on your vehicle.
You need to get family members together and put your family budget under critical examination. This can prove both daunting and stressful because all family members will be asked to face their spending habits. This is the first step.
A close second, and sometimes overlooked, is using a reward system for those family members who get with the new budgeting strategy. Rewards will keep the motivation going! In other words, as you achieve budget goals give yourself or your family members a treat as a reward for a job well done.
As you begin your family budget plan it may seem to be an uphill battle at first but, if you stick with it, you will begin to experience the benefits of family budgeting. Before you know it, you will see big financial benefits on many fronts.
Active and hands-on cash management, including savings, planning for retirement, and setting financial goals are becoming increasingly important for the survival and well-being of our families. The marketplace has become extremely competitive for jobs, prices fluctuate wildly for basic commodities such as food and energy. More than ever we need to be prepared by getting our family budgets under control.
It will take a leader in the family to make this work. You can be the one who motivates others to come up with new ideas on how to save money, budget better and spend less! Together you can create unique strategies from a deep understanding of your own situation, demands, and needs.
Discover which tips and ideas work best for everyone because money management and financial strategies are definitely not one-size-fits-all. Your lifestyle, needs, and wants are personal and unique to your situation and so are the solutions you need to find. Find them and apply them to your family budget plan as soon as possible.
06/2009 Jim Desantis
Here are the major blocks most people face when trying to take control of their family budget:
Family Budget Blocker #1 - A Fearful or Negative Attitude
I cannot stress this point enough --a positive attitude about family budgeting is essential to your success. If you think of budgeting as a major chore (such as a lifestyle diet, lifestyle handcuffs, deprivation, penny-pinching, a major sacrifice), you are sure to fail. Of course you may have a martyr or a masochist complex and are addicted to a punishing and stressful experience. However, let's think positive and assume that you are really desperate to get a handle on your finances.
A positive attitude towards money will help you think of your family budget as a positive means to a positive end. You will learn that it is a way to achieve your personal dreams and financial goals. You will see that postponing the instant gratification of debt induced lifestyle is worth the rewards you will earn in the end.
Family Budget Blocker #2 - Poor or Weak Motivation
What is your motivation for creating a family budget? Are you trying to make a mate happy? Are you being forced to follow the terms of a debt repayment plan with a consumer credit counseling agency? Complying with judge's order made in bankruptcy court?
These are not the best motivators because they are external motivators and will probably not be easy to maintain under constant stress. The best motivators are internally generated. You must be motivated by the idea that family budgeting will really help you meet your goals and give you a better life.
Family Budget Blocker # 3 - Magical Thinking
What do you expect to gain from instituting and following a family budget? Do you think that setting up a family budget will somehow magically make tons of extra cash available quickly? Perhaps you think that the family budget will somehow magically transform your spending habits next week and make you a financially responsible person who has all their bills paid and money left over for luxuries?
Sorry, but, family budgeting is just as serious as any business. Only those who with with it personal finances, through every obstacle, will reap rewards financially. Do not expect pennies from heaven. What you will get, if you work your family finances, is steady and measurable progress towards the goals that really matter to you and your family.
Creating a family budget without a positive attitude about your abilities to handle it; internal motivation to overcome all obstacles, and realistic expectations, will likely set you up for failure before you even get started. You can greatly increase your chances of success by overcoming the three Family Budget Blockers before you even begin.
Family financial crises make most people want to shut off the telephone, stop answering the door, and crawl into bed but the solutions are really simple.
One of the easiest steps for any debt or credit repair strategy, is to take a in depth look at the spending habits and financial patterns within the household especially if you have a family! It is almost like running a diagnostic on your vehicle.
You need to get family members together and put your family budget under critical examination. This can prove both daunting and stressful because all family members will be asked to face their spending habits. This is the first step.
A close second, and sometimes overlooked, is using a reward system for those family members who get with the new budgeting strategy. Rewards will keep the motivation going! In other words, as you achieve budget goals give yourself or your family members a treat as a reward for a job well done.
As you begin your family budget plan it may seem to be an uphill battle at first but, if you stick with it, you will begin to experience the benefits of family budgeting. Before you know it, you will see big financial benefits on many fronts.
Active and hands-on cash management, including savings, planning for retirement, and setting financial goals are becoming increasingly important for the survival and well-being of our families. The marketplace has become extremely competitive for jobs, prices fluctuate wildly for basic commodities such as food and energy. More than ever we need to be prepared by getting our family budgets under control.
It will take a leader in the family to make this work. You can be the one who motivates others to come up with new ideas on how to save money, budget better and spend less! Together you can create unique strategies from a deep understanding of your own situation, demands, and needs.
Discover which tips and ideas work best for everyone because money management and financial strategies are definitely not one-size-fits-all. Your lifestyle, needs, and wants are personal and unique to your situation and so are the solutions you need to find. Find them and apply them to your family budget plan as soon as possible.
06/2009 Jim Desantis
Bacon Potato Pie
1 each onion
1 pound potatoes
1 cup cheddar cheese, grated
8 each eggs
Cut the bacon slices into square pieces. Fry the pieces until well-cooked, then drain on paper towels. Peel the potatoes, then grate them. To prevent the grated potatoes from discoloring while you prepare the other ingredients, you can put them into a bowl of cold water. When you're ready to use them, be sure to drain well and squeeze them dry. Grate the cheese. Mince the onion. butter a 9x13 inch shallow baking dish. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Beat the eggs in a large bowl. Add all the other ingredients and stir. Pour the mixture into the baking dish and bake in the preheated oven for about 45 minutes, or until the eggs are cooked. Serve hot, warm or at room temperature.
NOTES: * You can prepare part of this ahead. You can cook the bacon, grate the cheese and potatoes and mince the onion the night before. Store all these things separately in the refrigerator, covering the potatoes with water. Then in the morning just mix it all up and bake it.
Who You Spend Time With Determines How Your Feel
Tell me who you spend your time with and I'll tell you how you feel. Sounds impossible? It's really not. You see, we often take on the feelings, behaviors and attitudes of those we spend time with. For example, let's say you have a friend or coworker who's always complaining. She's speaks negatively about her body, her job, her relationships and her life. She looks forward to spending time with you because it gives her an opportunity to vent and find relief. Once she's through, she feels lighter, freer and ready to go on with her day. She enjoys speaking to you because you're a great listener, enabling her to be heard and valued. That works for her but how do you feel? Chances are you feel drained, deflated and uninspired. Although your intention was to be a good friend, once you became involved emotionally in your friends negativity, you were brought right down with her.
Now on the other hand, let's say you have plans to see a friend who is lighthearted, enthusiastic and embraces life with eagerness and zest. Just thinking about this friend brings a smile to your face because you know you'll be having fun and enjoying each other's company. After your time together, you're excited about the rest of your day. You want to capture every moment and see all the beauty that's around you. Your friend may not have intentionally tried to alter your thinking but her positive approach and attitude was infectious.
Which person is better for your health? Studies show that positive thinkers have a 55% lower risk of death from all causes and 23% lower risk of death from heart failure. That's not to say that the more positive person doesn't experience anything unpleasant. In fact, the positive, optimistic person may have experienced more unfortunate situations than the negative, pessimistic person. The result of these experiences however leaves the positive thinker with a greater appreciation, perspective and sense of gratitude. They are grateful for what they see and have because they may have something less pleasant to compare it with. When they encounter a stressful situation, they look for ways to improve it versus letting it consume them. When a problem arises, they use it as an opportunity to find the most appropriate solution, rather than dwelling or magnifying all that's gone wrong.
The negative person works much differently. They expect negative results and when it happens, it only confirms what they'd originally predicted. They're more comfortable judging, gossiping or criticizing because putting others down offers them some relief from their pain. The negative person maintains the role of "victim" in a script she's written for herself. She feels other's are responsible for her "lot in life" and often uses it as an excuse to stay exactly where she is.
Within each of us is a broad range of emotions. An optimist doesn't only experience joy and the pessimist doesn't only experience negativity. It's just that the optimist chooses to expect happiness, success and pleasure and as a result, that's what they find. The pessimist chooses to replay negative thoughts which lead to negative results. It's a choice. We choose how we want to think, feel and act. Although we may be conditioned to think or react a certain way, if we don't like the results it is our choice to change. That's why if we're working towards changing the way we think, feel and react, it's important to be careful about the people you're spending your time with. Look for like minded people who support, encourage and inspire you. Limit your time with people who drain, upset and frustrate you.
This is your life. You are the driver of your car on the road to fulfillment, greater purpose and happiness. While there may be many detours, you have the power to steer yourself in whichever direction you choose to go. If you want to feel good, steer yourself towards an optimistic perspective and let your relationships support your cause. If you choose pessimism, misery loves company and you'll find many people welcoming you into their negative club. Life is a journey and we don't travel alone. Who are you bringing on your ride?
06/2009 By: Debi Silber, Ms, Rd, Whc Article Source:
Now on the other hand, let's say you have plans to see a friend who is lighthearted, enthusiastic and embraces life with eagerness and zest. Just thinking about this friend brings a smile to your face because you know you'll be having fun and enjoying each other's company. After your time together, you're excited about the rest of your day. You want to capture every moment and see all the beauty that's around you. Your friend may not have intentionally tried to alter your thinking but her positive approach and attitude was infectious.
Which person is better for your health? Studies show that positive thinkers have a 55% lower risk of death from all causes and 23% lower risk of death from heart failure. That's not to say that the more positive person doesn't experience anything unpleasant. In fact, the positive, optimistic person may have experienced more unfortunate situations than the negative, pessimistic person. The result of these experiences however leaves the positive thinker with a greater appreciation, perspective and sense of gratitude. They are grateful for what they see and have because they may have something less pleasant to compare it with. When they encounter a stressful situation, they look for ways to improve it versus letting it consume them. When a problem arises, they use it as an opportunity to find the most appropriate solution, rather than dwelling or magnifying all that's gone wrong.
The negative person works much differently. They expect negative results and when it happens, it only confirms what they'd originally predicted. They're more comfortable judging, gossiping or criticizing because putting others down offers them some relief from their pain. The negative person maintains the role of "victim" in a script she's written for herself. She feels other's are responsible for her "lot in life" and often uses it as an excuse to stay exactly where she is.
Within each of us is a broad range of emotions. An optimist doesn't only experience joy and the pessimist doesn't only experience negativity. It's just that the optimist chooses to expect happiness, success and pleasure and as a result, that's what they find. The pessimist chooses to replay negative thoughts which lead to negative results. It's a choice. We choose how we want to think, feel and act. Although we may be conditioned to think or react a certain way, if we don't like the results it is our choice to change. That's why if we're working towards changing the way we think, feel and react, it's important to be careful about the people you're spending your time with. Look for like minded people who support, encourage and inspire you. Limit your time with people who drain, upset and frustrate you.
This is your life. You are the driver of your car on the road to fulfillment, greater purpose and happiness. While there may be many detours, you have the power to steer yourself in whichever direction you choose to go. If you want to feel good, steer yourself towards an optimistic perspective and let your relationships support your cause. If you choose pessimism, misery loves company and you'll find many people welcoming you into their negative club. Life is a journey and we don't travel alone. Who are you bringing on your ride?
06/2009 By: Debi Silber, Ms, Rd, Whc Article Source:
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Natural Ways to Prevent Back Pain
Back pain, especially lower back pain, is an extremely common complaint. In fact it is estimated that up to 90% of all Americans will suffer from lower back pain at some point in their lives, with over 50% experiencing more than one episode. There are a variety of causes of back pain that can make diagnosis and treatment quite complex.
In fact, the cause of back pain may not reside in the back at all but may be referred from ailments of other internal organs. As with most other health concerns prevention has many benefits over cure. Adopting a few simple commonsense measures can make a huge difference to the health and well being of your back.
Maintaining strong healthy muscles including back muscles is without doubt one of the most effective ways to help stave off back pain. Regular moderate exercise is essential for achieving strong muscles. Appropriate flexing and stretching together with exercise appropriate to the individual level of fitness is recommended.
Over half of all Americans today are overweight. Excessive weight places extra strain on the spine and back muscles and is a common cause of back problems. Maintaining an optimal weight will help reduce these issues. An adequate and balanced diet is vital to maintain a healthy spine and back. Healthy diet promotes healthy bones and muscles and avoids the strain of obesity or excess weight.
Bad posture is another common culprit for backaches. Slouching and awkward posture puts additional strain on the spine and back. Maintaining good posture helps keep the spine in a neutral position keeping strain to a minimum.
Using safe and appropriate body mechanics also helps avoid back problems. Avoid putting unnecessary strain on the spine by providing it adequate support, for instance by bending legs and spreading the load when lifting heavy objects. Avoid twisting and jerking awkwardly when exerting back muscles.
Adequate rest and adequate support for the back during rest - Sleeping position can play an important role in back ailments. Sleeping in a fetal position, on one's side, is generally considered the most stress free position for the back while sleeping face down puts the most strain on neck and back. The importance of using a mattress that provides back and lumbar support cannot be stressed enough. A pillow of the correct height that supports your neck and ensures correct spinal alignment is vital. Current research suggests that a medium firm mattress is best for back support. Avoid pillows that force your neck and head up at awkward angles.
When sitting for extended periods of time ensure your seat provides sufficient back support. If necessary, use a pillow or cushion in the small of the back to help maintain its natural curve.
As indicated earlier back pain may not necessarily be reflective of a problem in the back but may be referred from other internal organs. Hence maintaining general good health will also help reduce back pain. Healthy diet, regular exercise and periodic medical checkups are strongly recommended.
While back pain is becoming increasingly common it is clear that adopting some simple commonsense strategies can do much to prevent this scourge and keep it under control.
09/2009 By: dhamza Article Source:
In fact, the cause of back pain may not reside in the back at all but may be referred from ailments of other internal organs. As with most other health concerns prevention has many benefits over cure. Adopting a few simple commonsense measures can make a huge difference to the health and well being of your back.
Maintaining strong healthy muscles including back muscles is without doubt one of the most effective ways to help stave off back pain. Regular moderate exercise is essential for achieving strong muscles. Appropriate flexing and stretching together with exercise appropriate to the individual level of fitness is recommended.
Over half of all Americans today are overweight. Excessive weight places extra strain on the spine and back muscles and is a common cause of back problems. Maintaining an optimal weight will help reduce these issues. An adequate and balanced diet is vital to maintain a healthy spine and back. Healthy diet promotes healthy bones and muscles and avoids the strain of obesity or excess weight.
Bad posture is another common culprit for backaches. Slouching and awkward posture puts additional strain on the spine and back. Maintaining good posture helps keep the spine in a neutral position keeping strain to a minimum.
Using safe and appropriate body mechanics also helps avoid back problems. Avoid putting unnecessary strain on the spine by providing it adequate support, for instance by bending legs and spreading the load when lifting heavy objects. Avoid twisting and jerking awkwardly when exerting back muscles.
Adequate rest and adequate support for the back during rest - Sleeping position can play an important role in back ailments. Sleeping in a fetal position, on one's side, is generally considered the most stress free position for the back while sleeping face down puts the most strain on neck and back. The importance of using a mattress that provides back and lumbar support cannot be stressed enough. A pillow of the correct height that supports your neck and ensures correct spinal alignment is vital. Current research suggests that a medium firm mattress is best for back support. Avoid pillows that force your neck and head up at awkward angles.
When sitting for extended periods of time ensure your seat provides sufficient back support. If necessary, use a pillow or cushion in the small of the back to help maintain its natural curve.
As indicated earlier back pain may not necessarily be reflective of a problem in the back but may be referred from other internal organs. Hence maintaining general good health will also help reduce back pain. Healthy diet, regular exercise and periodic medical checkups are strongly recommended.
While back pain is becoming increasingly common it is clear that adopting some simple commonsense strategies can do much to prevent this scourge and keep it under control.
09/2009 By: dhamza Article Source:
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