Beauty is defined as the phenomenon of the experience of pleasure, through the perception of balance and proportion of stimulus. It involves the cognition of a balanced form and structure that elicits attraction and appeal towards a host, creature, inanimate object, scene, music, idea, etc. It's as well seen as An assemblage or even graces or even properties pleasing to the eye, the ear, the intellect, the aesthetic faculty, or even the moral feel.
With the amount of importance given to make-up these days, many women just tend to do a bit too much. Getting the right make-up for the particular occasion is the call of the entire womanhood. But beauty shouldn't be misinterpreted as just by carrying a beautiful face. A overall healthy body reflects eternal beauty which one should be longing for. The idea is to look younger and feel younger.
Protect your skin from harmful ultra violet (UV) rays. We all love the sun. We love being in it and we love having a beautiful tan. The truth is you can poison yourself with too much sunshine. UV rays cause skin cancer and if that isn't bad enough it causes your skin to age faster than it should, contributing to unsightly wrinkles. If you must play in the sun, make certain you are using an adequate sun screen. Don't leave home without it!
If you have oily skin, you probably have oily hair. Oily hair brushing against your face adds to the oil. Oil, sweat and skin debris are a great way to clog the pores in your skin, leading to more pimples. If you notice pimples appearing on your forehead, or your cheeks and chin, typically where your hair might brush against, your hair could be the culprit. Wear a hairband, use hair clips to keep your hair off your face, tie it into a pony tail, or get a hair cut.
Your foundation will look only as good as the skin underneath. To get an even, smooth look, cleanse and exfoliate regularly.If you have sensitive skin and are prone to allergic reactions make sure you test new cosmetics on a small patch either on the inside of your arm or your neck. If after 24 hours you don't have a reaction it is safe to use the product. If you have acne or find you cannot use any skin care products without getting an allergic reaction or dry itchy skin, make an appointment with a dermatologist.
To minimize dark under eye circles - Before applying your foundation use an orange tone concealer mixed with your foundation to cover under eye circles. Apply foundation and set with face powder. Avoid using blue or purple eye shadows.
To instantly lighten eyebrows - rub a small dot of foundation through your eyebrow and gently brush eyebrows with an old toothbrush.
Lack of sleep is very aging. If you don't get enough sleep you look haggard i.e. old. Sleep deprivation is akin to being a zombie; your IQ is less, memory poorer, and your reactions slower. You become more prone to disease.
With the amount of importance given to make-up these days, many women just tend to do a bit too much. Getting the right make-up for the particular occasion is the call of the entire womanhood. But beauty shouldn't be misinterpreted as just by carrying a beautiful face. A overall healthy body reflects eternal beauty which one should be longing for. The idea is to look younger and feel younger.
Protect your skin from harmful ultra violet (UV) rays. We all love the sun. We love being in it and we love having a beautiful tan. The truth is you can poison yourself with too much sunshine. UV rays cause skin cancer and if that isn't bad enough it causes your skin to age faster than it should, contributing to unsightly wrinkles. If you must play in the sun, make certain you are using an adequate sun screen. Don't leave home without it!
If you have oily skin, you probably have oily hair. Oily hair brushing against your face adds to the oil. Oil, sweat and skin debris are a great way to clog the pores in your skin, leading to more pimples. If you notice pimples appearing on your forehead, or your cheeks and chin, typically where your hair might brush against, your hair could be the culprit. Wear a hairband, use hair clips to keep your hair off your face, tie it into a pony tail, or get a hair cut.
Your foundation will look only as good as the skin underneath. To get an even, smooth look, cleanse and exfoliate regularly.If you have sensitive skin and are prone to allergic reactions make sure you test new cosmetics on a small patch either on the inside of your arm or your neck. If after 24 hours you don't have a reaction it is safe to use the product. If you have acne or find you cannot use any skin care products without getting an allergic reaction or dry itchy skin, make an appointment with a dermatologist.
To minimize dark under eye circles - Before applying your foundation use an orange tone concealer mixed with your foundation to cover under eye circles. Apply foundation and set with face powder. Avoid using blue or purple eye shadows.
To instantly lighten eyebrows - rub a small dot of foundation through your eyebrow and gently brush eyebrows with an old toothbrush.
Lack of sleep is very aging. If you don't get enough sleep you look haggard i.e. old. Sleep deprivation is akin to being a zombie; your IQ is less, memory poorer, and your reactions slower. You become more prone to disease.
Alley Smith Article - Source:
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